Relative Positions

by Ramnki, Feb 10 2023



  1. First, let's find the apple. It's in the middle of the first row. Raise your left hand - this is left. So, the bananas are on the apple's left. Raise your right hand - this is right. So, the strawberry is on the apple's right.
  2. Where is row 3? Count from top to bottom: row 1, row 2, and row 3. It's the last row on the bottom. Where is column 2? Count from left to right: column 1, column 2. It's the column in the middle. Which fruit is in the middle of the last row? It's the mangos.
  3. Which row and which column are the grapes in? Start by counting the rows from top to bottom: row 1, row 2. The grapes are in row 2. Next, count the columns from left to right: column 1, column 2, and column 3. The grapes are in column 3. Therefore, we can say that the grapes are in row 2, column 3.



Southwest is the direction between south and west. It's the water blaster!
Tip: Parents can ask the child to find the toys in different cardinal and ordinal directions. For example, which toy is to the southeast? Which toy is to the north?


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