Sorting Activities

by Ramki, Feb 10 2023



In what ways can we sort the shapes? Look at the colors - there are purple ones and blue ones. We can separate and sort them into different dotted boxes. Shape number 2, number 3, number 5, and number 8 are the purple ones; shape number 1, number 4, number 6, and number 7 are the blue ones. Can we sort each group a second time? Let's see if we can sort the shapes in another way. Look, some shapes are lying flat - they are 2D shapes. Some other shapes take up space and stand by themselves - they are 3D shapes. So, to sort the purple shapes a second time, number 3 and number 5 are 2D shapes, and number 2 and number 8 are 3D shapes. To sort the blue shapes a second time, number 1 and number 6 are 2D shapes, and number 4 and number 7 are 3D shapes.



Let's find out the relationships between the circles and the color patterns. The red T-shirt is in the circle on the left. The yellow T-shirt is in the circle on the right. The T-shirt with red-and-yellow stripes is in the part where both circles meet. The same should go with the socks. The red sock should go into the circle on the left. The yellow sock should go into the circle on the right. The sock with red-and-yellow stripes should go into the part where both circles meet.


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