Creta Class awarded 5 Stars by the Educational App Store

by Olivia, Jun 22 2022


We are pleased to announce that Creta Class has received a five-star rating from one of the most reputable educational app review sites. The Educational App Store was impressed by the engagement and professionalism of Creta Class App and has given it high praise.

The Educational App Store is a professional educational website that finds, reviews, and examines educational products. Each app is reviewed and examined by experienced educators in order to help teachers and parents on their way to success.

The review praises how Creta Class offers outstanding performance in both educational content and technical support, and also states that Creta Class offers a structured approach that delivers content to kids on a daily basis. Also, their endorsement of the graphics and user interface demonstrates our product’s strong technical foundation.

The review then concludes that Creta Class is a high-quality product that is dedicated to home learning. Creta Class is not only teaching kids how to solve math problems, but also helping kids develop great learning habits.

It is our great honor to be rated five-star by the Educational App Store. We will uphold our commitment to excellence and help children everywhere to have a better online learning environment.

For more information, please visit Creta Class and on social media at Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.

About Creta Class

Creta Class is a math program developed by education experts and designed for kids ages from 3 to 8. The systematic program provides a 5-stage plan, with each stage consisting of 240 lessons, 1,200 animations, and 12,000+ interactive exercises with a progressive course setting. Creta Class’s 15 minutes per day, 5 days per week approach makes learning math fun and easy with bite-sized daily sessions and AI-backed learning paths.

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