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  1. What are the best schools in Purba Champaran?

    Every parent has their own preferences of location, type of school and budget based on which best schools for admissions are decided. Creta Class helps parents in shortlisting best schools for them.

  2. List of nursery schools in Purba Champaran?

    Selecting a nursery school for your child is a major responsibility. Don't forget to take factors like curriculum, class size, proximity, etc. into consideration when finalising the school. You can see the list of all nursery schools in Purba Champaran at Creta Class.

  3. What are the different school boards available in Purba Champaran?

    A child's future depends highly on the type of school you're admitting him/her in. Purba Champaran schools offer multiple boards for parents and students to choose from. They are: CBSE, ICSE, IB, IGCSE, State board, Cambridge. Before you decide on a school for your child, make sure you're considering the right board type for him/her.

  4. What is the average fee of schools in Purba Champaran?

    The school fee varies depending upon the class of the student, type of board, school type, etc. For Nursery, the fee ranges from Rs. 400 to Rs. 46,834.

  5. What is the admission criteria for schools in Purba Champaran?

    Nearby schools areas plays a major role when choosing the school for your child. Most of the schools in Purba Champaran have set 3 years to be the minimum age for nursery admissions as of 31st March of that academic year.